
Partnership Reports

This report outlines bi-annual progress of Partnership activities

Partnership Annual Report Jul 2019 - Jun 2020
Program Design Document Sep 2019
Partnership Progress Report (July – December 2016) Jan 2017
Partnership Annual Report (July 2016 – June 2017) Jul 2017
Project Reports
Indonesia - Australia Red Meat & Cattle Trade: Outcomes from 2020 and the Outlook for 2021 and Beyond 2020

2020 was a challenging year for the Indonesia – Australia bilateral trade in cattle and beef according to the Joint State of the Industry Report published by the Partnership. While industry will continue to face pricing-related struggles in 2021, both countries are working through the challenges, with Indonesia seeking alternative suppliers and Australia rebuilding its herd.

In 2020, live cattle imports into Indonesia slumped, as feedlots and abattoirs felt the pressure of high cattle prices. The price of Australian feeder cattle is likely to remain high in 2021 due to restocking after years of drought. In response to constrained supply, Indonesia is exploring options to import live cattle from Mexico and Brazil. Australian boxed meat products will also face increasing competition from other suppliers, particularly frozen buffalo meat from India and beef from South America.

Digital Technology Options for Indonesia’s and Australia’s Beef and Cattle Sector Mid 2020

Digital technologies have transformed many industries over the past 20 years. In mid-2020 the Partnership commissioned a study to better understand the opportunities for introducing or scaling up adoption of digital technologies in the red meat and cattle sectors of Indonesia and Australia.

Implemented by The University of Queensland in partnership with the University of Mataram and Bogor Agriculture Institute, the study focussed primarily on post-farm gate technologies. The UQ-led team undertook three investigations to complete the study: 1) a review of literature to better understand digital technologies currently used in Australia and Indonesia; 2) a digital technology audit of the Indonesian industry based on stakeholder interviews; and 3) an E-commerce and consumer survey to determine trends in sales and purchasing.

Assessment of Beef Processing and Market Options in Indonesia Mid 2020

In mid-2020 the Partnership commissioned a study to examine opportunities for Indonesia to export beef to countries in Asia and the Middle East. The study, conducted by ProAnd Associates Australia, also assessed the readiness of Indonesian abattoirs to achieve export status. The report contains detailed information on markets and associated factors of relevance to Indonesia’s export ambitions.

Indonesia - Australia Joint Industry Outlook of the Red Meat and Cattle Sector July 2020

As part of its commitment to provide industry and government stakeholders with sound evidence for decision making, the Indonesia Australia Partnership on Food Security in the Red Meat and Cattle Sector has developed and released the Joint State of the Industry Report 2019.

The report provides a summary of the bilateral trade in live cattle and beef products between Australia and Indonesia in 2019. It covers key elements of the supply chain, including Australian cattle production and exports, and Indonesian feedlots and processing. The joint report also includes major factors that affected investment, trade, and consumption, along with an outlook for 2020/21.

Indonesia’s Beef Consumption Trends and Preference Study November 2018 The purpose of the study was to better understand Indonesian consumer and preference of beef products including processed goods. The study looks at consumption trends and preference of Indonesian in Jakarta and Medan using quantitative and qualitative methodology. Jakarta was chosen since it is Indonesia’s capital with a wide range of ethnicities and religions. Medan was selected since it was culturally distinct from Jakarta as well as having a different supply chain and being closer to Malaysia and China. The report covers findings on consumption patterns and beef purchasing habit. The report also identifies six significant clusters of demand for beef in Indonesia.
Feasibility Assessment of A Beef Processing Bonded Zone In Indonesia July 2018 This study looks at whether it would be viable to set up a beef feedlot and processing plant in a bonded zone in Indonesia. In theory, the bonded zone could enable the operator to leverage Indonesia’s low labour costs, consistent feed availability and high returns for beef co-products into a more competitive offering for the domestic market. This includes the potential for the enterprise to re-export some cuts from the fed cattle to third country markets. Unfortunately, the study found that the construction of facilities to feed, slaughter and debone Australian cattle in Indonesia and with the intention of exporting a percentage of the product is unlikely to be financially viable. Furthermore, the study also looks at costs and benefits of establishing a bonded zone for cattle production and processing and key factors determining the ongoing commercial success of a bonded zone for the beef industry.
Indonesia’s Supply Chain and Logistics Study June 2018 The study is a rapid analysis of (1) the international supply chain delivering live cattle to the port in Lampung and onwards to feedlots and abattoirs; and (2) the domestic supply chain transporting live cattle from farms in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) to ports in Java and onwards to feedlots The study comprised a literature review, on-the-ground observations and meetings with key stakeholders, with a focus on improving handling, logistics and animal welfare. Key findings and recommendations include key insights on an assessment of the macro supply chain environment; constraints to the supply chain; and recommendations relating to supply chain and logistics on capital expenditure, operational improvements, as well as regulation and compliance.
Best Practice Guide for the Transport of Cattle in Indonesia April 2018 The purpose of this guide is to illustrate best practices for handling cattle during transport and in the design and construction of transportation facilities. The guide covers livestock transport on land and at sea in Indonesia, from sourcing cattle through to discharge at their final destination. The guide focuses on and is relevant to both local and imported breeder or slaughter cattle and applies whenever transport may occur within
Independent Completion Review of the Indonesia Australia Commercial Cattle Breeding Program Jan 2021

This report has been developed by the Advisory and Support Group (ASG) for the Indonesia-Australia Partnership on Food Security in the Red Meat and Cattle Sector (the Partnership). The report details the findings of an impact evaluation of the Indonesia Australia Commercial Cattle Breeding Program (IACCB) after five years of implementation.

Independent Mid-Term Review of the Indonesia Australia Partnership on Food Security in the Red Meat and Cattle Sector Jun 2019 This review was undertaken as an independent assessment of the Partnership’s performance at the mid-point of implementation. It recommended several potential improvements required to achieve the program’s intended objectives within the remaining timeframe of the Partnership
Mid-Term Review of the Indonesia-Australia Commercial Cattle Breeding Program (IACCB) Aug 2017 This review was undertaken as an independent assessment of IACCB program performance at the mid-point of implementation. It recommended several potential improvements required to achieve the program’s intended objectives. It also examined lessons learnt, emerging risks and advised on mitigation measures.
Review of the Indonesia-Australia Pastoral Industry Student Program (2015-2016) Feb 2017 This review examined the extent to which the program (2015-2016) effectively contributes to the strategic objectives of the Partnership and whether it provides an effective training platform for those wishing to pursue a career in the sector.
Review of the Skills Development Program (2015-2016) Feb 2017 This review looked at a range of short courses (producer, processor, policy and senior policy) implemented in 2015-2016 to understand the value the investment contributes to Partnership outcomes.
Review of the Processing Work Program (2015-2016) Feb 2017 This review examined the completed skills training and SOP development activities to understand the value of the investment to Partnership outcomes and assessed several options for future support to the Indonesian processing sector.