Cattle Reproduction Management Training for Veterinarian

The Partnership in collaboration with the Faculty of Veterinary IPB University conducted a training in cattle reproduction management. Twenty eight selected veterinarians from throughout Indonesia, participated in 5 days of online training on December 7th – 11st, 2020.

Cattle health and reproduction plays an important role in the success of the cattle management program, especially to maintain the performance and productivity. Veterinarian are expected to play an important role in monitoring of reproductive efficiency and early detecting problems in the cattle’s pregnancy cycle. The online training aims to equip the veterinarians with new skills that will enable them to contribute to the technical and management of cattle reproduction to increase business profitability.

The facilitators presented several topics, include the selection and basic protocols of the Breeding Soundness Examination (BSE), semen collection and evaluation through macroscopic and microscopic tests, frozen semen handling techniques, libido assessment systems, reproductive theory and pathology of cattle pregnancy, pregnancy examination techniques such as rectal palpation and ultrasonography, and the theory of cattle reproductive disorders and diseases.

In addition to theoretical session, the training also brought industry practitioners to share best practices on management practices to achieve high profitability. The discussion with the practitioners includes the livestock data recording for a good reproduction success rate and better economic calculations of reproductive management.