Cattle Business Management for Commercial Small Holders Farmer Training Program

From November 23rd to December 6th 2020, The Partnership and the Faculty of Animal Science of Gadjah Mada University conducted an online training program, “Cattle Business Management for Commercial Small Holders Farmer”. Twenty seven Indonesian farmers, farmers facilitators, farmer group administrator are participating in the online training.

The objective of the training is to encourage small holder farmers to increase the value of their livestock business through efficient and profit-oriented livestock management practices.

The online training was opened by Prof. Ali Agus, DAA., DEA, Dean of the UGM Faculty of Animal Husbandry and subsequently led by the facilitators, presented two important topics, key performance indicators for efficient and profitable cattle production, and profitable cattle business management including market and financial access.

On the production aspects, the training focused on how to build an efficient cattle production system. This includes record keeping, efficiency of land and feed resource use, provision of quality feed, animal health and welfare and other key aspects contributing to profitable cattle business. While on the businesses, the training facilitators both from business practitioners and academics, provided theoretical and practical aspects in business management. BRI (Bank Rakyat Indonesia) Agro outlined opportunity for smallholder farmers to tap in People’s Business Loans (KUR) as well the Bank’s supports to industry-farmers partnership model. Jasindo insurance also provided information on how insurance can play important role to guarantee farmer’s cattle businesses. Industry representative that already implemented farmer-industry partnership, PT. Widodo Makmur Perkasa, showcased their ongoing farmers partnership program and how their model could achieve significant impact not only improving farmer’s cattle business profitability but also providing benefit to the company. A testimonial from a successful farmer group from KPT Maju Sejahtera, IACCB’s prominent partner, was delivered to ensure and encourage farmers to manage their business professionally to improve profitability. Gita Pertiwi, an NGO working on community development and leadership development, which has been working closely with IACCB delivered a session on mindset change and entrepreneurship perspective for small holder farmers. Furthermore, a dedicated session on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion was delivered to promote gender equality and social inclusion in the red meat and cattle sector in Indonesia. By having this session it is envisaged that participants will have new perspective on the equality and social inclusion and bring the perspective into their business activity.

The combination of theoretical and practical aspects in cattle production and business management provided insightful view for smallholder farmers in how to improve the efficiency of their cattle business management to achieve higher profitability.