E-update January 2017

Below are recent updates on the Partnership’s projects:
Project Updates
Indonesia-Australia Commercial Cattle Breeding Programme

In December 2016, the Indonesia Australia Commercial Cattle Breeding (IACCB) programme successfully imported 450 heifers and 33 bulls into Suraba​​ya, and 250 heifers and 13 bulls into Lampung. To date, the programme has sourced 1,200 cattle, and 900 have been allocated to four partner sites located in in South Kalimantan (BKB/Santosa), Central Kalimantan (KAL), Bengkulu (BNT) and East Java (SPR Mega Jaya).

IACCB is piloting different breeding systems. The first three partner sites are applying SISKA system (cattle grazed under oil palms), while the fourth partner site (SPR Mega Jaya) is a partnership with smallholder farmers. The programme is exploring other potential partner sites to be up and running by mid-2017.

In addition to the cattle, the IACCB is providing a range of support tailored for each partner including technical advice, field staff support, business management training and a practical herd management system, while program partners will co-invest contributions of land, staff, infrastructure and other resources in-kind. For more information about the programme, please visit the Indonesia-Australia Commercial Cattle Breeding Program website or email Contact Us.

Skills Development Programme

The final cohort of the processing short course in November 2016 marked the completion of the Skills Development Programme for 2016. The application and selection process for the 2017 programme is currently underway. In 2017, the programme will train another 55 Indonesians in three different courses:

  • Six-week producer course - animal husbandry and cattle production, run by the University of New England (25 participants)
  • Six-week junior policy course - policy development for livestock production and supply chains, run by the University of Queensland (20 participants)
  • One-week senior policy course - sharing good practice in the Australian and Indonesian livestock industries, run by the University of Sydney (10 participants)

The Partnership is currently considering a proposal to increase the number of participants in the Producer course in the second half of 2017.

Development of Standard Operating Procedures in Indonesian Abattoirs

The Development of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in Indonesian Abattoirs project was completed in December 2016 by TAFE Queensland South West. The project has successfully facilitated the development of SOPs in five Indonesian category two abattoirs, as well as conducted extensive training in safety and hygienic processing of meat. As a result, the cleaning standards and hygienic processing procedures in these five abattoirs significantly improved.

This work, and the processing stream of the Skills Development Programme, will be the subject of the first Monitoring and Evaluation Case Study under the Partnership. Based on the findings from this case study, the Partnership's Processing Working Group will determine the scope of a Stage 2 proposal.

Recent Meetings
Processing Working Group (20 January 2017)

The Processing Working Group met via teleconference to discuss the scope and outline of the Stage 2 processing proposal which could commence under the Partnership.

Upcoming Events
  • 20 - 24 February (Canberra) 6th Round IA-CEPA
  • 6 - 10 March (Jakarta and regions) Indonesia-Australia Business Week 2017
  • 16 March (Brisbane) face-to-face meeting of the MLA Indonesia Taskforce
  • 27 - 31 March (Jakarta) Joint Industry Strategy Workshop